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Who Needs to be Fingerprinted and TB Tested?


Per CUSD, volunteers who will be directly serving or interacting with students without certificated staff present must be fingerprinted and TB tested, specifically:

  • Those who will serve regularly during the entire school year, and/or could be outside the presence of certificated staff with students (even for a short time) before, during, or after the school day. Examples:

    • Field trip chaperones

    • Lunch duty volunteers

    • Weekly classroom support volunteers

    • Parent/community coaches

    • Enrichment providers

    • Tutors

    • Computer lab and performing arts assistants

  • Those who will be driving individual autos on field trips.

  • Those who will be accompanying students on overnight field trips.

  • Those who serve at recurring special events, such as dances, competitions, drama and music productions during a season.

  • Parents who regularly eat with his/her student at a lunch table during the lunch break


Please look here for more details.

  • CUSD Site

  • CUSD Volunteer Information

  • CUSD Volunteer Fingerprinting FAQ


Where Can I Get Fingerprinted?

To assist Faria families in meeting CUSD volunteer requirements, FEEF will try to arrange for a fingerprinting vendor to come onsite to process Faria volunteers at the beginning of each school year as a convenience to parents.


Any other time of the year, you can get fingerprinted at these locations:


  • The UPS Store #4636 (Contracted Fingerprinting Vendor for CUSD)

2784 Homestead Road

Santa Clara, CA  95051

Tel: 408-247-4010



The UPS Store #4636 is open 7 days a week, and their hours are listed on their website. Cost is $32 payable directly to The UPS Store #4636.


The UPS Store #4636 is independently owned and operated, and CUSD's agreement is with this location only. Other UPS Stores do fingerprinting, but the cost at a different UPS Store will be higher.


Additional Fingerprinting Options


You may book an appointment and get Live Scan fingerprinting done at the sheriff's office (cost: $52) or another Live Scan fingerprinting vendor of your choice, as long as they are able to transmit their results to CUSD (cost: $49-52 average). Please see CUSD School Volunteer Information and Requirements for more details as linked earlier.


What Do I Need to Bring?

  • One completed copy of the "Request for Live Scan Service" form provided by CUSD

  • A valid (non-expired) photo identification. Expired or photocopied identification will not be accepted. Acceptable forms of identification are:

    • Driver's License

    • State Identification Card

    • Military I.D. Card

    • Alien Registration Card/Green Card Picture ID

    • Passport

  • A payment method accepted by your fingerprinting vendor (generally cash or check). The cost at The UPS Store #4636 is $32. If you're getting fingerprinted elsewhere, the price will likely be higher.


How Often Do I Need to do This?  

Only once for your family's time at CUSD. If you were fingerprinted at one of Faria’s onsite sessions in the past, you do not need to get fingerprinted again.  


Why is this much more expensive than getting fingerprinted for my child's soccer team (scouts, baseball, youth group, etc.)?

Non-profit organizations are eligible to waive a portion of the fee. Unfortunately school districts are not eligible for this fee waiver. CUSD has arranged the lowest rate possible with The UPS Store #4636 and is subsidizing part of the cost.


I’ve already been fingerprinted elsewhere (scouts, youth sports team, DI, another school district, etc.). Why can’t you just use my record from that?

Unfortunately the State of California will not transfer these records between organizations, schools, professional boards, etc. CUSD is only able to receive the results of the background check performed specifically for CUSD.


Will my fingerprints be passed to other government agencies?  

Your fingerprints are cleared with the Department of Justice (DOJ). Beyond that, your fingerprints will not be used for any other purpose other than to make sure you are safe to work with children and will not be passed on to other agencies..


How long are my fingerprint results valid?

Cupertino Union School District (CUSD) requires all fingerprints be handled through Live Scan printing. As long as there is not a change in your status (you are not convicted of new crimes which would prevent you from working with children), you will not need to be fingerprinted again.


I had to be fingerprinted for work. Can this report be used?  

No. CUSD requires all fingerprints be handled through Live Scan printing which will give CUSD the most up to date background information from the Department of Justice (DOJ.)


How will the fingerprint requirements be tracked?     

The results will be kept on file at the CUSD offices and Faria office personnel will maintain an active list of approved volunteers.


How quickly does this need to happen?

Turnaround time from the CA Department of Justice can be as long as 4-6 weeks.


I got fingerprinted at another school. What should I do?

If that other school is in CUSD, please let the Faria office know. They can pull the records from the district. If the other school is outside CUSD, you will have to get fingerprinted again.


How do I get TB tested?

Faria does not offer on-site TB testing. Please contact your health care provider to arrange TB testing, and bring the results to the Faria front office. If you’ve had a negative TB test in the last 4 years, please bring your results to the front office.


How long is the TB test valid?

The TB test is valid for 4 years.



I gave my TB test results to another school. What should I do?

If the TB test was done in the last 4 years, you should get a copy of the report from the previous school or from your healthcare provider and give it at the Faria office.



Whom to contact for any questions?

Please direct your questions to



Where Can I Get Fingerprinted?
Who Needs to be Fingerprinted and TB Tested?
How Often Do I Need to do This?
What Do I Need to Bring?
Will my fingerprints be passed
I’ve already been fingerprinted
Why is this so much more expensive
Anchor 8
Anchor 9
Anchor 10
Anchor 11
fingeprinted at another school
Anchor 1
TB test Validity
TB test at another school

© Copyright 2024 Faria FEEF

Faria Elementary School, 10155 Barbara Lane, Cupertino, CA, 95014

Tax ID: 77-0495699. All Rights Reserved

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